行人重识别Person Re-identification总结

  Person re-identification, also known as person retrieval, is to match pedestrian images observed from non-overlapping camera views based on appearance.It receives increasing attentions in video surveillance for its important applications in threat detection, human retrieval, and multi-camera tracking. It saves a lot of human labor in exhaustively searching for a person of interest from large amounts of video sequences.


Person Re-identification数据集描述——CUHK03

CUHK03是第一个足以进行深度学习的大规模行人重识别数据集,该数据集的图像采集于香港中文大学(CUHK)校园。数据以”cuhk-03.mat”的 MAT 文件格式存储,含有 1467 个不同的人物,由 5 对摄像头采集。
